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Women Hair Loss During Pregnancy

Monday, December 29th, 2008
Female hair loss

Female hair loss

I have been often asked this hair loss question on alopecia areata and other hair loss disorders during pregnancy in our Los Angeles hair transplant and Orange County hair restoration clinics. Here is one more female hair loss question about alopecia areata during pregnancy. The question is coming from one of my patients from our Los Angeles, Orange County hair transplant clinic who said she was diagnosed with Alopecia and lost pretty much all of her hair during pregnancy. Her son is now 5 months old and her hair has grown back. All but one spot. She said that she could hide the balding spot, but I would love for one day not to have to hide it.

This woman has experienced extensive hair loss, but she grew her hair back after only a few months, which is a great recovery for such a hair loss condition that could potentially lead to a much worse outcome. My suggestion to this patient was to be patient and to hang in there. It is very likely that this patient can grow the rest of her hair back without any hair loss treatment. If her hair loss was due to alopecia areata, a hair transplant cannot help her balding condition. Female hair loss during pregnancy and after delivery can recover spontaneously. However, she would need to be seen and examined by a hair specialist to confirm the diagnosis of her hair loss condition properly.

After pregnancy, women may lose hair due to a common condition called telogen effluvium that should not be mistaken with other hair loss disorders. Telogen effluvium is a common cause of hair loss in women after delivery of a baby or some other conditions. Telogen effluvium is a self limiting hair loss condition and does not need medical treatment and definitely not hair transplant surgery.