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Posts Tagged ‘female hair loss’

Things to Know About Female Hair Restoration

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

What is the difference between female and male hair loss? Female hair loss is not as common as male hair loss. Male hair loss is known as male patterned baldness. Female hair loss usually doesn’t lead to complete baldness like male hair loss. Female hair loss could be known more as thinning.

Female Patterned Baldness (FPB) touches the entire scalp, unlike Male Patterned Baldness (MPB). For female hair loss the donor hair in the back is not protected like it is for males. After the age of 50, most men have some degree of hair loss.

Women can benefit from hair restoration, so they can restore their hair in the balding areas. For women, the most important factor in receiving a hair transplant is the amount of hair they have in the donor area. If a women’s hair loss is similar to a male’s hair loss, the woman will be a better candidate for a hair restoration procedure.

Female Hair Restoration by Doctor Parsa Mohebi

Women’s expectations will not be the same as men’s expectations. A good hair transplant surgeon should be aware of that and set realistic expectations. If a man is bald, having 50% of his original density might seem like a dream come true. For a woman however, having 50% density will most likely not be enough.

If a woman goes to see a hair transplant surgeon wanting 100% of her hair density back, the surgeon should be honest with her and tell her that she might not receive the 100% density back in just one surgery. In order for a woman to be a candidate for hair restoration, the hair transplant surgeon should look at the different factors that will determine the candidacy for the woman.

The different factors that need to be determined for women regarding hair restoration surgery is the limited balding area, the donor/recipient mismatch, and realistic expectations.

  • The Limited Balding Area means that the area that the woman’s head is balding shouldn’t be all over the head, it should just be in a certain area.
  • The donor/recipient mismatch means that the donor hair on the back of the woman’s head should be in a much better quality than the area’s that are balding.
  • Realistic expectations mean that the hair transplant surgeon should make sure the woman understands the reality of a hair transplant surgery. The hair transplant surgery only moves hair from one area to another area that needs to be covered.

Overall, the final factor that a women needs to consider before having a hair restoration procedure is making sure the hair restoration surgeon is experienced in handling hair restoration procedures in women. A well knowledgeable and experienced surgeon will do the best job possible to help the woman reach the goal that they want to reach.

Women Hair Loss Treatments

Wednesday, August 1st, 2012

Women’s Hair Restoration and Women Hair Loss Treatments


Parsa Mohebi, MD successfully restores female hairline.Parsa Mohebi, MD is among Los Angeles best hair restoration doctors. He notes that hair transplants are increasing among women. This includes scalp hair transplant for balding areas, improving the hairline to better frame the face and eyebrow hair transplants.  As women continue to advance in the competitive workplace self image and confidence are playing an ever more critical role in their life. More and more women are seeking hair restoration options that will improve their self image and confidence that diminished with hair loss.

Going bald adversely affects most people. Women often find it more traumatic then men.  Hair defines significant quality of life issues for women including:

  • her sense of personal beauty
  • health and wellness
  • sense of success and social status
  • her sense of sexuality
  • and other aspects of a woman’s self image and esteem.

Women are very devastated by the loss of hair. The best Los Angeles hair transplant centers are increasingly focusing on alleviating this problem for women.  Men embarrassed about hair loss don’t like people to know that they have had a successful hair transplant. Unfair as it might be the social stigma for women with baldness is even greater. Hair loss is also associated with poor health to the general public. The confusion, fear, and anxiety and helplessness that women feel is completely understandable.

Advances in hair restoration technology and diagnosing female hair loss makes it easier to determine who can be successfully treated by a medical hair transplant.

Female Hair Transplant

A hair transplant offers an affordable natural, proven, and permanent solution for some woman. Los Angeles hair restoration doctors specializing in women’s hair loss have developed specific protocols in the management of female hair loss. Summer specials at leading hair restoration center US Hair Restorations makes this a great time to consider hair restoration. The latest and advanced technologies and developments in these medical procedures provide quality low cost hair transplants for women.

Shock Loss After Hair Transplantation

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

Rogaine Foam for Hair Loss PreventionWe receive a lot of questions at US Hair Restoration about the use of Minoxidil (Rogaine), and how it affects hair growth after a hair transplant procedure. There are mixed reviews people find on the internet through different websites and blogs about the Foam version of Rogaine. Some say it helps hair growth, others say it hinders, while some claim it does absolutely nothing.

Minoxidil (Rogaine) may be used after a hair transplantation on the newly transplanted area, for protecting the already existing hairs which are genetically predisposed to thinning. The hair grafts which are actually transplanted from the donor area require no medication for growth and maintain a permanent residence in the balding area. Those are the healthy hairs which are not affected by the hormone DHT (Dehydrotestosterone) which causes thinning and baldness.

Patient suffering from shock loss after hair transplantationThere may be some loss of existing native hair in the balding area due to shock loss, and for this we recommend Propecia for male patients to protect against. Propecia is proven to work better then Rogaine for the prevention of shock loss in men, and continues to have remarkable results in the patients who use the medication as directed. Unfortunately it does not work on women, but in these cases Rogaine does work and is a recommend option for the first few months after hair restoration surgery.

Women Hair Loss During Pregnancy

Monday, December 29th, 2008
Female hair loss

Female hair loss

I have been often asked this hair loss question on alopecia areata and other hair loss disorders during pregnancy in our Los Angeles hair transplant and Orange County hair restoration clinics. Here is one more female hair loss question about alopecia areata during pregnancy. The question is coming from one of my patients from our Los Angeles, Orange County hair transplant clinic who said she was diagnosed with Alopecia and lost pretty much all of her hair during pregnancy. Her son is now 5 months old and her hair has grown back. All but one spot. She said that she could hide the balding spot, but I would love for one day not to have to hide it.

This woman has experienced extensive hair loss, but she grew her hair back after only a few months, which is a great recovery for such a hair loss condition that could potentially lead to a much worse outcome. My suggestion to this patient was to be patient and to hang in there. It is very likely that this patient can grow the rest of her hair back without any hair loss treatment. If her hair loss was due to alopecia areata, a hair transplant cannot help her balding condition. Female hair loss during pregnancy and after delivery can recover spontaneously. However, she would need to be seen and examined by a hair specialist to confirm the diagnosis of her hair loss condition properly.

After pregnancy, women may lose hair due to a common condition called telogen effluvium that should not be mistaken with other hair loss disorders. Telogen effluvium is a common cause of hair loss in women after delivery of a baby or some other conditions. Telogen effluvium is a self limiting hair loss condition and does not need medical treatment and definitely not hair transplant surgery.