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Hair Transplants and Hollywood California

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

hollywood Calinifornia hair transplantIt is not uncommon for us to receive emails asking about celebrity hair loss and hair transplants. Many within the media or regular fans will usually ask a hair transplant surgeon about their favorite actor or actress and whether or not they have had a hair transplant procedure with us or elsewhere.

This is all relatively normal considering we operate our business in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills. Of course, we cannot disclose any information of any artist that has had a hair transplant unless they consent to releasing that information but gossip and the paparazzi are ever vigilant in the world of Hollywood.

It is astonishing how many hits a single celebrity can get just by typing their name in and even more so of those rumored to have had hair restoration done. It is also unfortunate when their hair systems can be recognized fairly easily. Wigs and hair systems have come a long way in the sense of realism but with today’s high definition and high resolution technology and cameras, they can easily reveal what is meant to be concealed. There are many celebrities whom may have had old technique hair transplants which are easy to detect and are now bound to a certain hair style just to cover their unnatural hairline.

Fortunately many of these old technique procedures can be corrected using new technology follicular unit transplant as long as their donor hair was not violated or completely depleted by their old technique surgeries.

California and its star-struck cities like Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and Hollywood are notorious for its high standards for good looks and good health. It is also very concentrated in terms of the number of hair transplant surgeons and cosmetic surgeons. This is why many artists caught up in the world of fashion; art and entertainment consider all methods of cosmetic surgery and hair transplant surgery and hair restoration.